Mounting BitLocker-encrypted NTFS drives as read/write on MacOS Ventura

Nelson Aloysio
3 min readOct 17, 2023
Figure: Encrypted drive on Windows.

BitLocker encryption has become a common alternative for securing personal files and is nowadays natively supported by Linux, at least within GNOME. Some additional steps, however, are still required to ensure full MacOS compatibility. This guide describes the necessary steps to achieve it.

Also available on GitHub as a gist (with a script for mounting/unmounting).


We require three packages: macFUSE, ntfs-3g (and brew), and dislocker.

1/3: Install macFUSE

macFUSE is a compatibility layer, previously known as OSXFUSE, that extends MacOS’s native file system with third-party ones — like NTFS.

Simply obtain the .dmg package from the official website (or the GitHub repository) and install it — it is required for the next steps to succeed. Alternatively, you may try and install it using Homebrew instead:

brew install --cask macfuse

You will need to reboot your PC in order to complete the installation.

2/3: Install ntfs-3g

Huge thanks to gromgit for making ntfs-3g easily available as a formula.

The ntfs-3g package is an open source implementation for mounting NTFS file systems as read and write, and may too be installed using Homebrew:

brew tap gromgit/homebrew-fuse &&
brew install ntfs-3g-mac

After installing, the mount_ntfs binary becomes available to mount as r+w.

3/3: Install dislocker

Compiling dislocker requires the second version of Mbed-TSL (previously PolarSSL). Trying to compile with the latest (third) version causes an error:

ssl_bindings.h:29:10: fatal error: 'mbedtls/config.h' file not found

To solve it, first make sure you install the second version of Mbed-TLS:

brew install mbedtls@2

As the mbedlts@2 package is only available as a keg, no symbolic links are created into /usr/local by default. Thankfully, we may easily temporarily replace the linked libraries from mbedtls (if installed) with mbedtls@2:

brew unlink mbedtls
brew link mbedtls@2

Now we may get the latest version of dislocker, compile and install it:

mkdir dislocker &&
curl -L |
tar -xz --strip 1 -C dislocker &&
cd dislocker &&
cmake . &&
make &&
sudo make install

Finally with dislocker installed, we may undo the previous changes:

brew unlink mbedtls@2
brew link mbedtls

Mounting and unmounting

If everything worked out, now it's just a matter of issuing a series of commands — boring, but quick. Here's a handy script for that, which automates both the process of mounting and unmounting the device.

Manually mounting

Another huge thanks to Christian Engvall for describing these steps on MacOS.

First, connect your device and find the identifier (e.g., /dev/diskXsY) with:

diskutil list

Let's unlock it (replace diskXsY with your device's identifier) to ~/.dislocker:

mkdir -p ~/.dislocker/diskXsY &&
sudo dislocker -V /dev/diskXsY -u -- ~/.dislocker/diskXsY

We then create a new block device (take note of the output returned here):

sudo hdiutil attach \
-imagekey diskimage-class=CRawDiskImage -nomount \

And finally mount it (replace /dev/diskZ with the previous returned output):

sudo mkdir -p /Volumes/BitLocker &&
sudo mount_ntfs /dev/diskZ /Volumes/BitLocker

The device should now appear on the sidebar of your Files window.

Manually unmounting

When done, unmount with (replace diskXsY and diskZ appropriately):

sudo diskutil umount /Volumes/BitLocker
sudo diskutil umountdisk /dev/diskZ
sudo diskutil umount ~/.dislocker/diskXsY # or 'umount force' if required
sudo diskutil eject /dev/diskX # optional

Note that the first two commands may be replaced by simply clicking on the eject button near the device's name of the Files' window sidebar.

